Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Plies Ft. T-Pain - Shawty [NEW]
Uploaded by lilmarcus

What You Know About This!!!!.....

This is what i learned how to do, it was very tricky. But i managed to do it. This is my nickname.. Thats all I done this on August 28,2007. It was cool. Yup thanks A lot for the French students....☻

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ma' Weekend

August 24, 2007
On Friday i just went to my friends house after school. Than i went home and stayed there.. well ya . Than like at 9:00 p.m. my friend came over and we just talked. yup.
well on Saturday i stayed home all day. my weekend was pretty boring.
Than sunday just stayed home. well thats my weekend did nothing interesting....

Monday, August 20, 2007

♣ Th3 Trip ♣

♣Web Design Field Trip♣

The trip on Friday was okay i guess we went to the flea market and to the Navajo Museum.
Well we started off at the flea market like about 11:20p.m. and we left from there at 12:20p.m.
What i had there was a burrito, that was good. Many people were eating different things. Then came12:15 and we had to be back on the bus some people were late but we were all there. Then we went to the museum everybody went in and we had to watch a 10 min. movie so we did the movie was about the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world, it said a lot of things that i didn't even know. But i really don't believe in that kind of things because i am a Christian so ya.. Then there were two other movies that we watched. But i wanted to walk in the museum and check out the other interesting things there.

So than there was this guy name Brandon that was doing a performance of a hoop dance in the museum. It was okey but it looked very hard because he has to remember where the 21 hoops are suppose to go . well when that was over the group went to see a different movie it was about the war. That was interesting well ya.. I had a great time on the field trip with the French Exchanged Students. So ya...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

h3llo this is Krist3n Lanza.. For short you can call m3 "krissy" or "diddy" don't r3ally car3.
This is my first blog 3v3r, th3r3 ar3 3 fr3nch stud3nts that h3lp m3 and th3 stud3nts mak3 a blog, which is v3ry cool. w3ll i r3ally don't know what to do with this but its okay i gu3ss. i am a Junior at Gr3yhills High School. I lik3 going to this school i hav3 b33n h3r3 3v3r sinc3 my fr3shman year. i hav3 many fri3nds h3r3 and would also mak3 fri3nds on this blog thing. so ya.